Speculations - Perhaps a thesis or two!

Probably everyone experiences that "moment of insight" when something suddenly suggests a new way to look at things. That can happen while you are reading about something, or while your mind is almost empty of thoughts -- when in a shower -- just as you are falling asleep -- or even in a dream!

Regardless of how they arrive, these sudden insights are the starting points for speculations. Speculations transform an insight into a viewpoint which suggests a "next step" to enlarge or implement the insight. That next step usually leads to the pursuit of an interesting set of questions whose resolution will actualize the speculation, or dismiss it for lack of merit.

I would like to share some of the speculations that crossed my mind over the years. I never pursued any of them to any depth. Perhaps you may be the person who will actualize these speculations, or find good reasons to dismiss them for lack of merit.

Some Speculations For Your Consideration

Let me know the order in which you would like me to write these up.

Alpha Brain Waves and the Ionosphere.
About how the ionosphere resonates at the 10 hertz alpha brain wave rhythm.

Ten Rabbi's and Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance
How prayers may indeed have positive effects.

Tai Chi and Magnetic Fields.
Do composers live longer because they wave their arms in magnetic fields that "pump" the life force (Chi) through them?

The Roles of Light.
Does light affect your body rhythms, as well as your emotions?

Palmistry Explained?
Are the folds in your brain, which may affect behavior, also mirrored by the lines in your hand?

Ah..the sound of your language.
Do the predominant frequencies of different languages cause different behavioral consequences in their speakers, and in foreign listeners?

Clynes Sentics and Handwriting
Since one finger's movement reveals an "emotion" with Manfred Clyne's Sentic device, perhaps handwriting movements could reveal "emotional clusters" in people.

Which way does your head bounce?
Does your head "bob" up-and-down, or side-to-side as you walk? Then you probably are a professor or a salesman, respectively.

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Mort Gale, mortgale@voicenet.com